Hi, I'm James. I help artists and creatives become confident solopreneurs.

[My Founding Story]

I’ve been a working visual artist for over a decade. After exhibiting around London and Gloucestershire for a few years, I began seeking a slower pace of life. Looking for a way to continue making art whilst exploring different cultures and an alternative lifestyle to the gallery and art fair scene.

I moved to Taiwan in 2016 at the age of 23. Since then, I have made it my home, studied many new things, such as Chinese calligraphy and painting techniques, art therapy techniques and life coaching.

I moved my business online and now sell works exclusively through my websites shop and commission calls. I’m so grateful to everyone who has supported my career over the years that I wanted to give back to the artist community.

I now also run a coaching business along side my art to help artists and creators find success, meaning and purpose with their work and life.

When You're Ready, Here's How I Can Help You:

01/ Join My Newsletter

Each Sunday I send you actionable advice on how to become a successful creator. Join 5+ satisfied readers.

02/ Book A Free Discovery Call

Let’s get on a call to talk about your goals and vision, so we can make an action plan to get you there.

03/ Join Our Guild

Join our community of creatives. Get feedback on your work, access to weeekly group calls, and much more.